Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Sad Day

Lucy just climbed out of her crib in a fit of rage.  She was stalling for her bedtime and called Daddy upstairs so she could go pee pee in the potty one more time.  He let her sit on the potty for 5 minutes while she counted the cookie monsters on her potty seat, then he was done waiting, so he made her get off the potty.  She LOST it!  Daddy put her diaper back on, and laid her in her crib, and the raging machine began.  Huge screams!  Bob came downstairs and was explaining why there was so much drama, when we heard the doorknob turn and the screaming enter the hallway.  "She's out!" was all I could muster in my shock - knowing that this moment would surely change everything about my bedtime and nap time routines.  Oh, I'm in deep mourning.

Do we go buy a crib tent for $70 or just brave the toddler bed transition?  My first mode of course is to ask for one on Freecycle and hope I don't get kicked off the list serve since I just asked for a dehumidifier for the basement disaster last night.

Best and Worst:

Best: Watching Lucy play independently with her birthday cake singing "Happy To You Nicole".

Worst: The great descent out of the crib.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The girls

Here's a couple new pictures of the girls.
Lucy really wanted to go swimming this day. Notice the orange life preserver.  Unfortunately, its 18 degrees.  Come on Summer! We are waiting for you!

I really liked the way this one of Fable turned out.  She is beginning to crawl, but so far can only go backwards and in circles.  Poor kid.  Its so frustrating for her.